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Vos épisodes favoris des Simpson ?

Démarré par HugoMartin789, 4 Oct 2023, 13:57

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Salut les potes !
Vous avez des épisodes des Simpson qui vous marquent ou vous font marrer à chaque fois ? Perso, j'suis fan de celui où Bart devient Krusty. Et vous, vos tops ?


Your post is appreciated. I have read extensively on numerous related topics! In contrast to other articles, yours had a profoundly unique impact on me. I hope you continue to compose insightful posts for us and others to read, such as this one. foodle


L'ennemi d'Homère. C'est définitivement l'épisode qui m'a le plus impressionné  ;D


Personnellement mon préféré est "Rosebud" dans la saison 5. Tout, absolument TOUT me fait rire dans cet épisode, que ce soit l'anniversaire de M.Burns, le plan sur Smithers qui menace Homer, le dinosaure qui répète sans cesse "2+2 font 4" (ne me demandez pas pourquoi ça me fait rire), M.Burns humilié par un paparazzo etc.


In the vast landscape of online games, a new and exciting addition has taken the gaming community by storm – the Watermelon Game.


<p>In the digital age, a business's online presence is often the first interaction customers have with a brand. As a result, the role of web designing and website development companies has become paramount. California, a global hub for innovation and technology, is home to a myriad of such companies that excel in crafting visually appealing and functionally robust websites. In this article, we explore the landscape of web designing companies and website development firms in California.</p>
<p>**Web Designing Companies:**</p>
<p><a href="">Web designing companies</a> play a pivotal role in shaping the visual identity of businesses on the internet. California, with its vibrant tech scene, hosts a plethora of such companies, each contributing to the diverse digital ecosystem. One notable player in this space is CreativeWeb Studios. Renowned for its artistic flair and innovative design solutions, CreativeWeb Studios stands out among web designing companies in California.</p>
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Developed by a small independent studio known as Luminary Games, kinitopet is not your typical video game. It doesn't boast hyper-realistic graphics or adrenaline-pumping action sequences.


A brand-new, fascinating addition to the wide world of online gaming has gone viral among players. 


Citation de: rose12 le 25 Mar 2024, 03:56 Your post is appreciated. I have read extensively on numerous related topics! In contrast to other articles, yours had a profoundly unique impact on me. I hope you continue to compose insightful posts for us and others to read, such as this one. foodlegeometry dash lite
Tout au long de ses nombreuses années de diffusion, "Les Simpsons" a créé un certain nombre d'épisodes mémorables qui ont touché une corde sensible auprès des téléspectateurs. "Marge contre le monorail", "Homer's Phobia", "You Only Move Twice" et "Last Exit to Springfield" ne sont que quelques-uns des épisodes les plus appréciés.


"Marge vs. the Monorail" (Season 4, Episode 12): In this classic episode, Springfield invests in a monorail system after a smooth-talking salesman convinces the town it's a good idea. Chaos ensues as Homer becomes the monorail conductor. scratch geometry dash


- Flaming Moe´s
- Homer at the Bat
- Mr. Plow
- Marge Vs The Monorail
- One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish   
- Cape Feare
- Who Shot Mr. Burns Parts 1 & 2
- Whacking Day   
- Radioactive Man
- You Only Move Twice


Certains de mes épisodes préférés des Simpson incluent "Marge contre le monorail" (saison 4, épisode 12), "Homer contre New York" (saison 9, épisode 1), et "Homer le clown" (saison 6, épisode 15).                                                                                                                                              granny sexdoll
