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En version québécoise, l'acteur Edgar Fruitier double encore M. Burns, même s'il a passé le cap des 85 ans. Il se rapproche de plus en plus de son personnage. La doubleuse de Marge, Béatrice Picard, est encore plus vieille et a atteint 86 ans en juillet 2015.

Les Simpson à la TV

Aucune diffusion à venir.

Paroles : The Simpsons Sing The Blues

Informations sur l'album

Date de sortie : 1990
Editeur : Geffen Records
Durée : 38 min. 13 sec.
Code Barre : 720642430828
Prix env.:
01. Do the Bartman
02. School Day
03. Born Under a Bad Sign
04. Moanin' Lisa Blues
05. Deep, Deep Trouble
06. God Bless The Child
07. I Love To See You Smile
08. Springfield Soul Stew
09. Look At All Those Idiots
10. Sibling Rivalry

DO THE BARTMAN | Écrit par Bryan Loren

Yo, Hey what's happenin' dude
I'm a guy with a rep for bein' rude
Terrorizin' people wherever I go
It's not intentional, just keepin' the flow

Fixin' test scores to get the best scores
Droppin' banana peels all over the floor
I'm the kid that made delinquency an art
Last name Simpson, first name Bart

I'm here today to introduce the next phase
The next step, in the big Bart craze
I've got a dance real easy to do
I learned it with no rythm and so can you
So move your body if you got the notion
Front to back in a rock-like motion
Now thacha got it if you think you can
Do it to the music - that's the Bartman

Everybody if you can do the Bartman
Shake your body turn it out if you're bad man
Ah front to back to the side yes you can, can
Everybody in the house do the Bartman
Everybody if you can do the Bartman
Shake your body turn it out if you're bad man
Front to back to the side yes you can, can
Everybody in the house do the Bartman

It wasn't long ago, just a couple of weeks
I got in trouble, yeah, pretty deep
Homer was yellin' (Bart!) Mom was too
Because I put mothballs in the beef stew

Punishment time, in the air lurks gloom
Sittin' by myself confined to my room
When all else fails nothin' else left to do
I turn on the music so I can feel the groove

Move your body if you got the notion
Front to back in a rock-like motion
Move your hips from side to side now
Doncha slip, let your feet glide now

If you've got the groove you gotta use it
Rock-rhythm in time with the music
You just might start a chain reaction
If you can do the Bart you're bad like
Michael Jackson

Everybody if you can do the Bartman
Shake your body turn it out if you're bad man
Front to back to the side yes you can, can
Everybody in the house do the Bartman
Everybody if you can do the Bartman
Shake your body turn it out if you're bad man
Front to back to the side yes you can, can
Everybody in the house do the Bartman

Do the Bartman
Do the Bartman, Everybody back and forth,
from side to side
Do the Bartman
Do the Bartman, Pick your feet up off the
floor, let 'em glide
Do the Bartman
Do the Bartman, She can do it, you can do it,
so can I
Do the Bartman
Do the Bartman, Now here's a dance beat
that ya can't deny

Oh my ears! Lisa put that saxophone away
You can't touch this!
I didn't do it! Nobody saw me do it!
You can't prove anything!

Now I'm in the house, feelin' good to be home
'till Lisa starts blowin' that damn saxophone
And if it was mine you know they'd take it away
But I'm feelin' good so that's okay
I'm up in my room just'a singin' a song
Listenin' to the kick drum kickin' along
Yeah Lisa likes jazz she's her number one fan
But I know I'm bad 'cause I do the Bartman

Everybody if you can do the Bartman
Shake your body turn it out if you're bad man
Front to back to the side yes you can, can
Everybody in the house do the Bartman

Do the Bartman
Do the Bartman, Everybody back and forth,
from side to side
Do the Bartman
Do the Bartman, She can do it, you can do it,
so can I

Move your body if you got the notion
Front to back in a rock-like motion
Move your hips from side to side now
Doncha slip, let your feet glide now

If you've got the groove you gotta use it
Rock-rhythm in time with the music
You just might start a chain reaction

Everybody if you can do the Bartman
Shake your body turn it out if you're bad man
Front to back to the side yes you can, can
Everybody in the house do the Bartman
Everybody if you can do the Bartman
Shake your body turn it out if you're bad man
Front to back to the side yes you can, can
Everybody in the house do the Bartman

Everybody if you can do the Bartman
Shake your body turn it out if you're bad man
Front to back to the side yes you can, can
Everybody in the house do the Bartman
Everybody if you can do the Bartman
Shake your body turn it out if you're bad man
Front to back to the side yes you can, can
Everybody in the house do the Bartman

Oh wow, man!

Enregistré au Record One Studios, Sherman Oaks
Ingénieur: Richard Cottrell
Assistant: Julie Last, Bart Stevens
Mixer au Larrabee Sound Studios par Bryan Loren
Ingénieurs: Bryan Loren et Richard Cottrell
Assistant: John Chamberlin

© 1990 ATV Music Sorcerouse Labyrinth BMI

SCHOOL DAY |Écrit par Matt Groening et DJ Jazzy Jeff

Bart: Hail, hail, Rock and Roll.
Long live Rock and Roll.
Rock, Rock, Rock and Roll.
Hail, hail, Rock and Roll.

Buster: Up in the morning and out to school,
The teacher is teaching the Golden Rule.
American history, practical math,
You're studying hard, you're hoping to pass.
Working your fingers right down to the bone,
The guy behind you won't leave you alone.

Bart: Ring, ring goes the bell,
The truck in the lunchroom is ready to sell.
You're lucky if you can find a seat;
You're fortunate if you have time to eat.
Back in the classroom, open your books, (man),
The teacher don't know how mean she looks.

Buster: Soon as three o'clock rolls around,
Bart: I'm outta here, man, I'm going to town.
Buster: You finally lay your burden down.
Bart: I'm nobody's fool, I'm nobody's clown.
Buster: Close up your books, get out of your seat,
Bart: This is a plan that can't be beat.
Buster: Down the hall and into the street.
Bart: My dancing shoes are on my feet.
Buster: Up to the corner, round the bend,
Bart: If you can't handle this, just tell me when!
Buster: Right to the juke joint, you go in.
Bart: I'm here! I said, "It's me, Bartman."

Bart et Buster: Drop the coin right into the slot,
You've gotta hear something that's really hot.
Don't want your love, your makin' romance,
All day long you've been wanting to dance. (Whoa yeah.)
I'm feeling the music from head to toe,
Round and round and round you go.

Bart et Buster: Hail, hail, Rock and Roll,
Deliver me from the days of old.
Long live Rock and Roll,
The beat of the drum's loud and bold.
Rock, Rock, Rock and Roll,
The feeling is there, body and soul.

Hail, hail, Rock and Roll.
(Hail, hail, Rock and Roll.)
Hail, hail, Rock and Roll.
(Hail, hail, Rock and Roll.)
Long live Rock and Roll,
(Long live Rock and Roll.)
Rock, Rock, Rock and Roll.
(Rock, Rock, Rock and Roll.)
Rock, Rock, Rock and Roll.
(Rock, Rock, Rock and Roll.)
Hail, hail, Rock and Roll.
(Hail, hail, Rock and Roll.)

(Whoa, mama!)

Enregistrer au Lion Share Studios, West Hollywood
Ingénieurs: Guy DeFazio, Paul Grupp
Assistant: Scott Mabuchi
Enregistrements supplémentaires au Right Track Studios, New York City
Mixer à The Complex, West Los Angeles
Ingénieurs: Mick Guzauski, Paul Grupp
Assistant: Dave Levy

© 1957 Isalee Music Publishing Co. BMI

BORN UNDER A BAD SIGN | Écrit par Booker T. Jones et William Bell

Homer: Born under a bad sign,
Been down since I began to crawl.
If it wasn't for bad luck,
You know, I wouldn't have no luck at all.

Hard luck and trouble,
Been my only friend.
I been on my own,
Ever since I was ten.

Born under a bad sign,
I been down since I began to crawl.
If it wasn't for bad luck,
You know, I wouldn't have no luck at all.

I don't like to read,
I can hardly write,
My whole life has been
One big fight.

Born under a bad sign,
I been down since I began to crawl.
If it wasn't for bad luck,
I said I wouldn't have no luck at all.
And that ain't no lie.

You know, if it wasn't for bad luck,
I wouldn't have no kind of luck.
If it wasn't for real bad luck,
I wouldn't have no luck at all.

You know fear of falling
Is all I crave.
A big bag of pork rinds
Gonna carry me to my grave.

Born under a bad sign,
I been down since I began to crawl.
If it wasn't for bad luck,
I tell ya I wouldn't have no luck at all.

Good take boys, yeah.
I think now that I'm a blues singer, I should have some kind of name.
How 'bout Muddy Simpson. No. Big Homer. T-Bone Homer.
Blind Lemon Simpson. Blind Lemon-lime Homer. Blind Grapefruit Homer.
Blind Strawberry Alarm Clock Homer. No that's... they used that.

Enregistrer au Lion Share Studios, West Hollywood
Ingénieurs: Guy DeFazio, Paul Grupp
Enregistrements supplémentaires au Recording at Metropolis Studios, Melbourne, Australie
Ingénieur: Ernie Rose
Mixer à The Complex, West Los Angeles
Ingénieurs: Mick Guzauski
Assistant: Duane Seykora

© 1967 Irving Music Inc. BMI

MOANIN' LISA BLUES | Écrit par Mike Reiss, Al Jean, Jay Winding et John Boylan

Lisa: I've got a bratty brother,
Who bugs me every day.
This morning my old mother,
Gave my last cupcake away.
My dad he acts like,
Like he belongs in the zoo.
I'm the saddest kid,
The saddest kid in Grade number two.

I wish I had a pony,
I wish I were eighteen,
I wish I had a dime
For every kid who treats me mean.
They tease me 'cause I'm diff'rent,
Little diff'rent from the rest, oh yes.
Well, I'm down so low,
If I cheered up, I'd still be depressed.

The saxophone's my best friend,
I play all over town.
But when I practice in my room, I hear
Homer: Lisa! Keep it down!
Lisa: Although I'm only eight years old,
I've really paid my dues, it's true.
That's why I've got a case of,
A case of the Moanin' Lisa Blues.

I wonder how I got here,
I wonder what I'll be.
The saddest little twig
On this crazy family tree.
I feel like I'm a loser,
With nothing left to lose.
That's why I've got a case of,
A case of the Moanin' Lisa Blues.

Oh there's just no postponing,
A case of the Moanin' Lisa Blues.

Enregistrer au Lion Share Studios, West Hollywood
Ingénieurs: Guy DeFazio, Paul Grupp
Mixer à The Complex, West Los Angeles
Ingénieurs: Mick Guzauski, Paul Grupp
Duane Seykora
© 1990 Fox Film Musix Corp./Gracie Films Music/Hubba Bubba Music/Great Eastern Music BMI

DEEP DEEP TROUBLE | Écrit par Matt Groening et DJ Jazzy Jeff

Let me start at the start
then take it away
My name is Simpson, Bartholemew J.
That's Bart with an "Art"
And a captial B
Then "Simp" plus "Son"
That's me
Introductions aside lets move right along
You can all sing along at the sound of the gong
Once upon a time
about a week ago
all of a sudden trouble started to grow
alarm was buzzin'
I was snoozin'
'sposed to get up now but I was refusin'
to let reality become an intrusion
'cause in dreamy dream land I was cruisin'
but the buzz kept buzzin'
my head kept fuzzin'
gave the radio a throw and heard and explosion
opened up my eyes and to my surprise
there stood Homer and his temperature rised
I was chillin'
he was yellin'
face all distorted cause he was propellin'
It wasn't what he said but more of his tone
The usual jive put your nose to the grindstone I said "I'm real sorry" but that didn't cut it
I started to protest but dad said "Shut it!"
" Get up
mow the lawn,
move it on the double
cause if you don't you're in deep deep trouble! "

- Coeur -

Deep Deep Trouble

So I'm in the front yard
mowin' like crazy
sweatin' like a pig and the sun is blazin'
Homer's in the driveway gettin' in the car
with Mom & Lisa
Hope their goin' real far
Then Dad yells "Bart!"
and I go "Yo!"
He goes "Ya done yet?"
and I say "No"
so he goes "Ohhh, you're too slow."
So I step on the gas to speed up the mow
didn't see that sprinkler
underneath that tree
Wham! Ker-pshhh!
Rainin' on me
I go "Woah!"
Homer goes "Doh! Now you can't go
to the boat show."
This is my thanks after workin' my butt off?
Homer revs the motor and they all start to putt off
Soaked to the bone
Standin' in a puddle
No one needs to tell me I'm in deep deep trouble

- Coeur -

Deep Deep Trouble

As soon as their gone
I'm stretched on a lawn
Lookin' at the sky with my sun shades on
Now I've never ever claimed that I was smartie
But inspriation hits me "Let's have a party!"
Called up my posse they were here in a flash
they brought all their pals we started to thrash
there was rompin' & stompin'
an occasional crash
a fist fight or two
and Nintendo for cash
we raided the fridge
dogs raided the trash
I got a little worried when the windows got smashed
the next thing you know Mom & Dad are home
the kids disappear and I'm all alone
everythings silent except for my moan
and the low bluesy tone of a Saxophone
They look at me then they go into a huddle
get the sinkin' sensation I'm in deep deep trouble

- Coeur -

Deep Deep Trouble

There's a little epilogue to my tail of saddness
I was dragged down the street by his royal dadness
we rounded the corner and came to stop
threw me inside Jakes the barber shop
I said "Please sir, just a little of the top."
Dude shaved me bare gave me a lollipop
so on my head there's nothing but stubble
man I hate being in deep deep trouble

- Coeur -

Deep Deep Trouble

Enregistrer au Warehouse Studios,, Philadelphie et au Lion Share Studios, West Hollywood
Ingénieurs: John Moyer et Guy DeFazio
Assistants: Victor Cooke et Jesse Kanner
Mixer à The Complex, West Los Angeles
Ingénieur: Mick Guzauski
Assistant: Jeff Rach

© 1990 Fox Film Musix Corp./Gracie Films Music/Guck Music BMI

GOD BLESS THE CHILD | Écrit par Arthur Herzog Jr. et Billie Hollyday

Lisa: Um. Can you hear me in the booth?
Booth: Loud and clear, Lisa.
Lisa: Oh, good. Thank you, sir, for letting me be in a real studio. It's
a genuine thrill, sir.
Could I trouble you with one request?
Booth: Sure thing.
Lisa: No synthetic sound please. I want all live musicians.

Lisa: Them that's got, shall get.
Them that's not, shall lose.
So the Bible says,
And it still is news.

Mama mayhem. Papa mayhem.
God bless the child that's got his own,
That's got his own.

It's the strong get smart,
While the weak ones fade.
And if I get stumped,
They'll never make the grade.

Mama mayhem. Papa mayhem.
God bless the child that's got his own,
That's got his own.

When you've got money,
You've got lots of friends,
Crowded 'round the door.

But when it's gone,
And all else find an ends,
They don't come round no more.

Which relations give,
Crust of bread and such.
You can help yourself,
But don't take too much.

Mama mayhem. Papa mayhem.
God bless the child that's got his own,
That's got his own.

Murphy: Well, that was lovely, Miss Lisa. Very soulful.
Lisa: Thank you, Mr. Murphy.
Murphy: Now let's play a little blues.

Enregistrer au Lion Share Studios, West Hollywood
Ingénieurs: Guy DeFazio et Paul Grupp
Mixer à The Complex, West Los Angeles
Ingénieur: Mick Guzauski
Assistant: Brett Swain

© 1941 Edward B. Marks Music Corp. BMI

I LOVE TO SEE YOU SMILE | Écrit par Randy Newman

Homer: Ah. Hm-hm. Marge?
I was born to make you happy.
I think you're just my style.
Everywhere I go,
Tellin' everyone I know,
Baby I love to see you smile.

Marge: Don't want to take a trip to China.
Don't want to sail up the Nile.
Wouldn't want to get too far,
From where you are,
'Cause I love to see you smile.

Homer: In the Summer, in the Springtime,
Winter or Fall.
The only place I want to be
Is where I can see you smile at me.

Homer: Like a sink without a faucet.
Marge: Like a watch without a dial.
Homer et Marge: What would I do, if I didn't have you?
I love to see you smile.

Marge: In the Summer, in the Springtime,
Winter or the Fall.
The only place I want to be
Is where I can see you smile at me.

Homer: In a world that's full of trouble,
You make it all worthwhile.
Homer et Marge: What would I do, if I didn't have you?
Oh, I love to see you smile.
Mmm, I love to see you smile.

Marge: I mean that sincerely, Homer.
Homer: I know.

Enregistrer au Lion Share Studios, West Hollywood
Ingénieurs: Guy DeFazio, Jesse Kanner et Paul Grupp
Mixer à The Complex, West Los Angeles
Ingénieur: Mick Guzauski
Assistant: Brett Swain

© 1989 MCA Music Publishing. a division of MCA Inc./Twice as Nice Music ASCAP

SPRINGFIELD SOUL STEW | Écrit par Curt Ousley

Marge: A-hmm. Today's special is Springfield Soul Stew.
We sell so much of this, people wonder what we put in it.
Well, we're gonna tell ya right now.
Hmm-hmm. Gimme about a half a teacup of bass.
Now, I need a pound of fatback drums.
Now, gimme four tablespoons of boilin' Springfield guitar;
This is gonna taste alright.
Hmm. Delicious.
Mmm. Now just a little pinch of organ.
Now, gimme half a pint of horn.
Place on the burner, and bring to a boil.
Yep. That's it, that's it, that's it, right there.
Now beat. Well, take it Lisa.
Ooh. Thank you.
Mmm. Now, let's take it on home,
'Cause we gotta go home.
That's my girl.

Enregistrer au Lion Share Studios, West Hollywood
Ingénieurs: Guy DeFazio, et Paul Grupp
Mixer à The Complex, West Los Angeles
Ingénieur: Paul Grupp
Guy DeFazio
© 1967 Warner Tamerlane Publishing Corp. BMI/Titre original "Memphis Soul Stew"

LOOK AT ALL THOSE IDIOTS | Écrit par Sam Simon, Jeff Martin, Jai Winding et John Boylan

Burns: Smithers.
Smithers: Hm?
Burns: Turn on the surveillance monitors.
Smithers: Yes sir!
Burns: Hm. It's worse than I thought.

Burns: Each morning at nine,
They trickle through the gate;
They go home early;
They come in late.

Reeking of cheap liquor,
They stumble through the day;
Never give a thought
To honest work for honest pay.

I know it shouldn't vex me,
I shouldn't take it hard,
I should ignore their capering
With a kingly disregard.

Burns: But, look at all those idiots,
Ooh, look at all those boobs.
An office full of morons,
A factory full of fools.
Is it any wonder, that I'm singing,
Singing the blu-u-ues.
Smithers: Yours is a heavy burden, sir.
Burns: I'm just getting started.

Burns: They make personal phone calls,
On company time.
They Xerox their buttocks,
And guess who pays the dime.

Their blatant thievery wounds me,
Their ingratitude astounds!
I long to lure them to my home,
And them release the hounds!

I shouldn't grow unsettled
When faced with such abuse.
I shouldn't let it plague me,
I shouldn't blow a fuse.

Burns: But, look at all those idiots,
Ooh, look at all those boobs.
An office full of morons,
A factory full of fools.
Is it any wonder, that I'm singing,
Singing the blu-u-ues.

Burns: What happened? Where are the instruments?
Smithers: I believe they call this a breakdown, sir.
Burns: I can't have any breakdowns here!
What if there was an inspector around?

Smithers: Ho. I'm a little out of practice, sir.
Burns: I said do it! So, do it! do it! do it!!
Smithers: Yes, sir.
Burns: Yes, excellent.
Well done.
All right, it's beginning to grate.
That'll be sufficient, Smithers.
Smithers: Excuse me?
Burns: I said that's enough!
Smithers: Ooh! Sorry sir. Thought I had my mojo working.
Burns: Humph.

Burns: That man by the cooler,
Drinking water, as if it's free.
Smithers: Oh. That's Homer Simpson, sir.
A drone from sector 7-G.

Burns: Yes, well, call this Simpson to my office,
And then stay to watch the fun.
If he's six feet when he enters,
He'll be two feet when I'm done.
Smithers: Ha-ha-ha-ha.

Burns: It brings a ray of sunshine
To my unhappy life,
To make him kneel before me,
And slowly twist the knife.

Burns: Look at all those idiots,
D'oh, look at all those boobs.
An office full of morons,
A factory full of fools.
Is it any wonder, that I'm singing,
Singing the blu-u-ues.

Smithers: Take me home, sir.
Burns: I'm trying.

Burns: Surrounded by idiots,
Outnumbered by boobs.
An office full of morons,
A planet full of fools.
Is it any wonder, I'm singing,
Smithers: Maybe you should be singing, sir.
Burns: Oh. Singing the blu-u-ues.

(Back: Look at all those idiots.)
Smithers: Mr. Burns, you, you make Muddy Waters sound shallow and
(Back: Office full of morons.)
Smithers: cheerful, by comparison.
Burns: Thank you, Smithers. Meaningless but
(Back: Is it any wonder.)
Burns: heartfelt compliment.
I feel like I got a few things off my chest,
and onto the chests of my inferiors.
Smithers: You did.
(Back: Look at all those idiots.)
Burns: Why are they still playing?
Smithers: Um...
(Back: Office full of morons.)
Burns: They're not still on salary, are they?
Smithers: We're not validating their parking, sir.
(Back: Is it any wonder.)
Burns: They're paying for their own coffee, now.

Enregistrer au Lion Share Studios, West Hollywood
Ingénieurs: Guy DeFazio, et Paul Grupp
Mixer à The Complex, West Los Angeles
Ingénieur: Paul Grupp
Guy DeFazio
© 1990 Coconino Music / Fox Film Music Corp./Gracie Films Music/Great Eastern Music BMI/TCF Music Publishing Inc./Tanko Music/Dobbs Music ASCAP

SIBLING RIVALRY | Écrit par James L. Brooks, Jai Winding et John Boylan

Lisa et Bart: Our life is so confusing,
No reason and no rhyme.
We've got this funny feeling,
Getting old before our time.

Gimme what ya got,
Gimme what ya got,
I know what ya got,
Gimme what ya got.

Lisa: What kind of love brings such confusion?
Bart: Shuts out the sun and kills all glee.
Lisa et Bart: What are these blues we're here to tell you?
It's sibling rivalry.

I don't wanna share,
Wanna make you nuts,
Gimme what ya got,
Gotta have it all.

Bart: Sometimes I see her doing homework,
Lisa: I'm working hard all by myself.
Bart: And who can stand a happy sister.
Lisa: He hates I don't require help.

Back: Ooh. Ooh. Ooh.

Bart: I put a spider on her shoulder.
(Back: Oh, ya, wooh.)
Lisa: I'm not aware that it is fake.
(Back: Ooh, ooh, ooh.)
Bart: I ask her what the heck that thing is.
(Back: Eeww!)
Lisa: I turn and start; I scream and shake.
(Back: Scream and shake!)

Bart: Whhhhhhhy does it feel so good?
My dear old fun?
I know it's wrong to feel so mean,
But, you shoulda heard her scream.

(Back: Ooh ooh, ooh)
Bart: Ha ha ha haa. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
(Back: Ooh ooh, ooh)
Bart: Aah, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
(Back: Ooh ooh, ooh)
Bart: Ha, hahahaha. Ha haa.
(Back: Ooh ooh, ooh)
Bart: Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Ha hahahaha.

Lisa: I am not blameless in this equation.
Bart: She likes to talk over my head.
Lisa: Poor Bart, his trials and tribulations.
Back: Poor Bart.
Bart: Before a test she makes me dread.

Back: Ooh, ooh, ooh.

Lisa: 'Cause I predict that he will fail.
Back: Gonna flunk, woo-ooh.
Bart: I chase her down when she is right.
Back: Ooh, ooh, ooh.
Lisa: When I refuse to just turn tail,
Back: Hold your ground Lisa.
Lisa et Bart: We have our most outstanding fights!
Back: Outstanding fights!

Lisa: What kind of love brings such contusions?
Bart: All these band-aids the world can see.
Lisa et Bart: What is this shame we're here to tell you?
It's sibling rivalry.

Lisa et Bart: A brother and a sister,
We're trying not to boast.
But we can't help believing,
That we'll always be this close.

Back: Siblings find it oh so hard,
When it comes to giving,
Let them once try singing
Background for a living.

Lisa et Bart: A brother and a sister,
We will always be this close.

Bart: Let go my hand, Lisa.

Enregistrer au Lion Share Studios, West Hollywood
Ingénieurs: Guy DeFazio, Jesse Kanner et Paul Grupp
Mixer à The Complex, West Los Angeles
Ingénieur: Paul Grupp
Assistant: Brett Swain

© 1990 Two Two Two Music/Fox Film Music Corp./Gracie Films Music/Great Eastern Music BMI/TCF Music Publishing Inc./Dobbs Music ASCAP


Article publié le 13 août 2013 par Charles Tasserit. Dernière mise à jour le 3 octobre 2013 par Charles Tasserit.
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